Monday, March 09, 2009

Ain't you happy that we're all together?


I'm just back from Adelaide tonight. It was a much better festival experience than last year's Womadelaide (ie, free of any intestinal distress).

Here are some Finns - Neil, Liam and Elroy - in their accustomed habitat. They seemed very happy there. I enjoyed their antics.


Michelle said...

I saw some footage of Womadelaide on the weekend, and I wondered if you were there again. Glad you had a great time. And bestill my beating heart at the photo of all those Finns! (which of course would have been even better with the addition of a certain T. Finn).

Donna Lee said...

The weather looks so beautiful! The sunshine and the flags flying. Jealous. Very jealous.

Bells said...

it'd be so nice to see all the Finns together. Fabulous.

karuski said...

Hi Olivia, just came to see you shortly here:)

Looks like you had a good time. Is this a music festival? And who are the Finns?! I'm curious.

-Minna (a Finn)