I am happy tonight because I managed to affix stalks to all my pears. Sometimes it's the little things. Ha! By the way that is my mobile phone in the background of that photo, just for an idea of scale. The pears are around 9-10mm high.
The method I was using for the stalks was such a nuisance - felting a strand of brown wool for the stalks, cutting a small piece once it was dry, and trying a combination of sewing and needlefelting (which I am seriously not good at - I may need to do a course) to stuff it into place at the top of the pear and make it stay there. And then sometimes the stalk itself would fall apart - I think because they are really too small to for the fibres to hold together.

I had already found that I could stabilise the little stalks with watered-down glue. Tonight, I realised that there was little point felting the stalk first, and I might as well apply it to the pear as unfelted wool, and then felt/glue it to a proper level of stiffness. This meant I could thread the wool right though the pear and sew it in securely much more easily. And I finished in one session what I thought would take much longer. And with less swearing.
oh oh oh ! i hope they knew you weren't really swearing at them? they seem blessed little fragile darlings. love your blog title can you come up with a title for me?
nice work Liv! again
Oh! They are so cute, those tiny little pears! They need tiny little fruit baskets to hold them.
that photo really shows how beautiful they are, with the subtle colour changes in them. I particularly love the little one on the right with green in it. So clever. ily
Oh, they are so cute and tiny!!!
The cell phone really shows how tiny they are. And Alwen is right, you need small woven baskets to pile them in (or tiny ceramic bowls).
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