Happyspider and I had a lovely day at the markets on Sunday. It was pretty cold in there, but we were prepared: sitting still in a big, unheated shed in winter is always going to be cold. I dressed a bit like I was going skiing - many layers.

Amongst overall decent sales, we sold A LOT of wristwarmers! Clearly we weren't the only ones feeling the cold.
There are still button bracelets ($30), a few pods (similar price range to last time), and some pears ($30) available. I'll list them here if there is interest. But don't worry, I don't expect to keep pumping my regular readers here for sales! The interest and support last time was a thrill, and greatly appreciated. I hope to fire up an etsy shop sooner or later (I've been pondering it long enough). Quiltingmick has just launched Buttontree Lane and the Sunnyboy bags sure moved fast! I wanted one but didn't move fast enough, and now I have to wait. I'm very patient though.

I only made one purchase on Sunday - other than hot coffee and hot food - and I am in love with it. Really, I just want to look at at, turn it around in my hands, then occasionally pose objects on it.

It's a piece called 'Mostly Forwards', by Canberra fibre artist Jocelyn Plovits. It's made from dyed Canary Island pine needles.

I stood at her stall for ages, fondling all the beautiful pieces and trying to decide what to buy.

I used Happyspider's 'First Kiss' colourway for that last pod. Isn't that a great name?
Oh my gosh - you should definitely open up an Etsy store. Your stuff would be a hit! I love the pin needle stand - it looks really lovely and quite surreal! How fiddly must that have been to make!
That bowl is gorgeous - I know Jocelyn professionally and never new she was a fibre artist!
They must be some long pine needles. The ones we have here are a little short for a bowl like that. It's beautiful and perfect to pose things in. It looks like it was made for the pears.
They look so cool posed on the stand. There are long-needle pines in the US, but they grow well south of here.
Meanwhile it's hot and sticky here, so no handwarmers for us for a while!
that pear that didnt felt made me laugh out loud, seriously very amusing, although not at your expense! the pear bottoms are gorgeous and looks beautiful in that stand. so glad the markets went well!
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