Sunday, March 16, 2008

Welcome to the beautiful south


As soon as I arrived in Adelaide last Thursday evening, I was informed we had plans to go out for the evening. We were going to see the Northern Lights and then a show by comedy trio The Hound of the Baskervilles at the Garden of Earthly Delights - 'Every Film Ever Made'. Jolly good, says I.

I had no idea what the Northern Lights was. As we approached I saw a hint of coloured light and thought maybe they had coloured some buildings unlikely hues with light - like they sometimes do here in Canberra - the High Court awash with pink and the National Library bright green, or whatever.

Like I said, I had no idea.



This is something else entirely. "Northern Lights" is the work of The Electric Canvas, and consists of elaborate projections on the row of sandstone buildings along North Terrace in Adelaide - the State Library, SA Museum, Art Gallery, Elder Hall, Mitchell Building and Bonython Hall. The images change every few minutes, and you could easily spend an hour or more watching them all change and trying to get non-blurry photos. You can see more of my photos in the Flickr set here.


The event has proved so popular they have extended it beyond the end of the Adelaide Festival to the end of March.

Edited to add:
If you watched the Sunday Arts program on ABC last weekend you would have seen the story on the Northern Lights, and you would also have seen my friend, artist Nöel Skrzypczak being interviewed (and looking gorgeous and sounding brilliant). She has a show on in Melbourne at the moment. We used to walk to school together and now she's on the teevee!


Bells said...

yep, that's nothing like what happens here. Amazing.

Donna Lee said...

That is absolutely amazing! I can't imagine how they do that but wow. What beautiful images you caught!

Alwen said...

Wow, those are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for putting that up.

Rose Red said...

Wow - those are just amazing (imagine if they were painted like that - gorgeous!!).

So how does it feel to be famous (by association...) - hee!

Denise said...

Far out!! How spectacular!!!