This show,'Heliosphere' by The Dream Engine, happened at various times during the Womadelaide weekend. We would be watching one of the shows and over our heads would appear this balloon with an acrobat suspended from it. The two people anchoring it to the ground moved slowly through the crowd so that the balloon moved right over our heads. If you like these pictures, there are several more in the series on my Flickr page.
Below, a couple of shots of one of several groups of flags installed around the park, by Angus Watt. He did some last year as well, and for WOMAD festivals in other countries also.
pink flags
Originally uploaded by Olma.
pink flags_2
Originally uploaded by Olma.
The gorgeous fabric lanterns in the trees were also similar to last year's, though during daylight I could see they were a bit different. I think last year's were the same basic shape but more abstract; these had cute themes like one with soccer ball fabric and little soccer balls hanging from it, another with toy gardening tools. I guess it was an attempt to mix things up, a bit odd, but just as pretty at night.