Way back in March, the tenth of March 2018 to be precise... it was day two of Womadelaide!

Due to a failed attempt to visit the pandas at the zoo (never fear, we succeeded the next day) we arrived bit early, and on impulse joined a group of Indigenous ladies from Ceduna to try basket weaving. Such a nice way to start the day. And now at least one of us has the basket-weaving bug.

I always love an opportunity to see Deborah Conway and Willy Zygier. Turned out they had taken a family road trip to Adelaide and their three girls were singing with them! Adorable.

I've already written about Elephant Sessions in my National Folk Festival post. I have a feeling they were a big hit wherever they went on their Australian tour. Their night time show later on attracted a big dancing crowd.

Chico Trujillo is an enormously popular Chilean band.

I was amused by their fairly consistent uniform: hawaiian shirt, adidas pants or shorts. (No other brands need apply.) Yeah, I always notice the clothing.

Then Willy Zygier and the girls were back with YID! That exclamation mark is part of the name.

Dustyesky - a choir of blokes from Mullumbimby who don't necessarily speak Russian but like to sing Russian songs together. There were some corny jokes in between but on the whole it was done with a lot of enthusiasm and love.

My Bubba - Folk duo from Iceland and Sweden. I had come across them online before but still was surprised by how very spare the sound was. Very quirky.

Violons Barbares - loved this show very much. They are from France and combine Bulgarian gadulka (reminded me a bit of the Polish suka) and Mongolian horse head fiddle. Oh and throat singing. These things, and the drumming, and the normal singing, all worked together really well. Skilful.

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