Sunday, February 27, 2005

Welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about

Whew. Finally. It would have been an even longer hiatus, but I decided to stop being stubborn and do some quickie posting. I have one post planned that's been cooking for ages and is very important to me, but it's just not ready yet. So there.

The main reason for my blog silence was a little series of thunderstorms one Wednesday a few weeks ago, which brough some lightning down the phone line to fry the modem in our computer. It took a few days of troubleshooting and ringing the ISP's helpdesk before we figured out what had most likely happened. Then, once the beast was placed into the hands of actual experts for the first time in its three and a half year life, inevitably there was a bit more to do than just replace the modem. For a start, it was a chance to have the senile CD burner tested. It was burning files of some sort... but not files that you could open or use or even trust not to crash the computer. Diagnosis? behaving weirdly, out of warranty, so who cares why... replaced with DVD. They also found some viruses lurking around, and reinstalled Windows in the end.

I completely missed posting for Demelza's milestone birthday - so... HAPPY 25th Melzy! Have fun swimming around in the unknown. And happy non-milestone birthday to Emma too.

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