Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Impact Comics, coming soon

As ber-T pointed out in his comments on my recent post, yep, Impact Comics will be opening soon! I'll post the exact date as soon as I know it. The shop is upstairs above Revolution CD in Civic, and should provide, at least in my opinion, a much better way to spend your money than the Church of Scientology, who have just vacated the space. Email Kam and Mal for more info or to place your order.

Circulating lately in my thoughts, in a not-entirely-organised manner, have been concepts like creativity, and inspiration, (related of course to the elusive wahoo). So I thought I might try having a blog theme for a while, of things that inspire me. First up: an example of Wil Wheaton's enjoyable, natural writing. Some of his best pieces are when he writes about his relationship with his stepsons. It's too late at night, I've just tried and deleted about five different descriptions of what I like about Wil's writing. Obviously I need to work on my critical descriptive skills. Just go and read it!

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